Three Reasons You May Get a Call from an Insurance Company Soon After Your Car Accident

Car Accident

If a car crash occurs, the insurance company of the at-fault driver will want to pay as little as possible or avoid paying altogether. This is the reason it may contact accident victims soon after the crash. If you are a car accident victim, know that insurance companies are not on your side, no matter how friendly they may seem. If you get a call from them, you should consult a houston car accident attorney first, so you don’t end up saying something that can be used against you and your claim. The following are reasons you may get a call from an insurance company soon after your accident:

Offer a Quick Settlement

Insurance adjusters may call you quickly following a car crash to offer you a settlement. This offer does not consider what’s best for you. The adjusters’ concern is to save their company as much money as possible. That is why their settlement offers are often much lower than the worth of your claim.

Get Information they Can Use Against You

An insurance adjuster may call you to get you to ask you to give them a recorded statement hoping that you admit fault for the crash. They will ask you several questions to get you to discuss a certain detail that contradicts the evidence you submit to the insurance company. Also, they may try to get you to admit you contributed to the accident.

Speak with You Before You Can Talk to a Lawyer

You may get a call from the insurance company after 24 hours from the date of the accident. This way, you have probably not contacted an attorney to help you realize your legal options and rights. Otherwise, insurance companies may be forced to make a reasonable settlement offer especially if your attorney has a good reputation for winning car accident cases in court.

If you get a call from an insurance company, you are not obliged to answer it. Or you can tell the company to speak with your attorney. When you answer their call, try to be polite but just answer the basic questions without giving extra information. Also, never make assumptions about what took place during the crash and don’t discuss your injuries and damages because the extent of your damages may still be unknown. Or you may not have all the details on such matters. Lastly, do not give a recorded statement.